Insect stings such as flies, mosquitoes, tropical flea, wasp or ear bites and spider venoms definitely deserve our attention and this article talks about it.
Ticks are insects that can literally hook like a hook to the skin while walking through the grass or while walking in the park. Ticks do not always carry the disease and most stings are not of a serious nature, but they can carry the causes of serious diseases including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever as well as the causative agents of deadly tick-borne meningoencephalitis.
Tick stings
When a tick comes to the skin they usually look for a warm and moist place such as the armpits and groin. When they arrive at their destination, they feed on blood and transmit some diseases. A tick bite can trigger an allergic reaction. If a sting occurs it is important to remove the tick properly. In the prevention of tick bites, it is important to cover your hands, feet and head during your stay in nature. Use an anti-sting repellent. After time spent in nature, check your stings. If you stay in nature for a long time, get vaccinated against tick-borne meningoencephalitis.
Lyme disease
A tick bite can carry Lyme disease bacteria, which usually does not spread for the first 36 hours after the bite. The first sign of infection is most often a circular rash on the skin, early signs may include fever and fatigue. Untreated Lyme disease can spread to other parts of the body including muscles, joints, heart and nervous system. It is successfully treated with antibiotics.
Black Widow Spider: Poisonous!
Forest cuttings and tree stumps are places where poisonous black widow females are hidden. It is long-legged and bright black with a characteristic orange, red or yellow (like an hourglass) border on the underside. The diameter of the largest number of spiders is 5 centimeters.
Stab the black widow
A black widow’s sting usually causes sharp, strong pain, but sometimes it can be painless. One or two red sores can be seen on the skin caused by the bite of poisonous teeth. Redness, swelling and inflamed lymph nodes can be seen around them. The sting causes severe muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting and high blood pressure. The patient urgently needs help. Medical practices have an antidote that must be readily available. If possible and if you manage to catch the spider, bring it in for identification.
What is the Brown Desert Spider, is its sting deadly?
Hidden in attics and sheds – in the midwestern states of the United States – are where you’ll find a brown desert spider. Spiders range in color from yellowish brown to dark brown with dark legs. Their venom is extremely poisonous and can cause large wounds and infections, but the sting is sometimes painless.
Stab a brown desert spider
The bite of a brown desert spider is usually painless, but soon the skin turns red, pale, and a painful “bull’s eye” blister forms. These stings can be deadly. Take care of the patient immediately and take him to the doctor, and if you can, bring a spider for identification.
Scalp lice: Itching!
Hair is where you will find the ears that are most often hidden on the neck and behind the ear. Lice are obtained by sharing hats, combs or other things from people who have them. Lice cause itching but scratching can cause infection. In more serious cases, hair may fall out.
How to treat lice?
To destroy lice and their eggs (called nits), your doctor will prescribe lotions, creams or shampoos. Wash clothes and combs to prevent the spread of lice. Check all household members and treat anyone who has nits or lice.
Fleas – are not just a feature of dogs
Fleas are small, wingless, aggressive insects that suck human blood and are not only present in pets.
Flea stings
Some people are very susceptible to flea bites – but itching and itching can cause sores and consequent infection. The best treatment is to remove fleas from pets using insecticides. Keep pets away from the bed and vacuum the carpets daily, and spray insecticides on the infected areas.
Bee, wasp, hornet
When a bee stings it loses its sting and dies, but a wasp, hornet or yellow wasp can inflict multiple stings because they do not lose their sting during the sting. Stings in allergic people can cause serious reactions.
What to do if we are stung by a bee, wasp or hornet?
If you have a serious anaphylactic reaction, lie down and carefully remove the sting. If you have a local antihistamine (chloropyramine, promethasone hydrochloride, etc.) on hand, apply it to the puncture site. Use a garter above the sting to keep the venom from spreading further, and immobilize the affected arm. If you do not have an allergic reaction, remove the sting, clean the injection site, apply ice, take oral antihistamines for itching and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce pain.
Fire ants, ouch!
Fire ants resemble ordinary ants and are found mostly in the southeastern parts of the United States. They make large earthen hills and when disturbed they are very aggressive. During the attack, the fire ant clings to the inside of the skin with its jaws and stabs it in the abdomen. This injection of poison can take a long time.
Fire ant sting
The sting of a yellow-fire ant typically causes a red, hive-like lesion that is warm and itchy. In addition, painful pus-filled lesions may occur. Cold compresses, analgesics and antihistamines can help. A large number of stings can cause a toxic, serious and life-threatening allergic reaction. Urgent intervention is needed.
Chiggers Little Tropical Fly: Itching!
Chigers are tiny flies found in the tall grass or weeds of tropical forests. They are clawed to the skin and feed on skin cells. The stings are painless but the lesions are very itchy.
What cause the bites of small tropical flies?
After a few days on the skin, the chigers fall off – leaving red changes that itch a lot. Topical antihistamines can help reduce itching. If the skin looks infected or the redness spreads fringe, contact your doctor.
When the causes of itching enter the skin, they can cause multiple problems. The larvae spread through the skin (skin-to-skin contact) from infected to healthy individuals – or by skin contact with infected towels, bedding and clothing.
How to treat itching?
Intense itching and pain of the skin occurs a few weeks after the larvae enter the skin. The itching is very severe and usually gets worse at night. The rash is typically visible on the sides of the fingers, wrists, elbows, genitals and thighs. In treatment, doctors prescribe lotions and / or tablets. Wash all clothes, towels and bedding in warm water.
What are Bedbugs?
Legend has it that Bedbugs are tiny insects that try to hide in bed. They are usually found in hotels, bungalows and apartment complexes, and in the house they can be found in luggage in the fur of pets and closets.
What do bed bug bites look like
Bedbug bites leave itchy, red bites usually on the skin of the hands or on the shoulders. Scratches can result in infections that can cause even more discomfort. In the treatment, use an anti-inflammatory cream of oral antihistamines and contact your doctor.
Can you tell us something about caterpillar stings?
The most venomous caterpillars are found in the southern states of the United States where they are found in the shade of trees such as elm, oak and maple. The venom is hidden in a hollow thorn between the hairs.
What are the symptoms of caterpillar stings
If you are stung by a caterpillar, you may experience intense pain, rash, fever, vomiting and muscle cramps. In therapy, remove broken thorns from the skin using cellophane tape or commercial facial peels and contact your doctor.
What are Scorpios? Can their sting be deadly?
Not all scorpions are poisonous, but those that are can cause death. Scorpios are most commonly found in tropical and subtropical areas. In the southeastern and western parts of the United States and in Africa and Australia, scorpion stings are deadly. Symptoms of the sting include pain, swelling, itching, vomiting, increased sweating, and loss of consciousness. Start treatment immediately.
Does a yellow fly sting cause pain?
Yellow flies live in moist soil, moist forests and other humid environments. Yellow flies spread Tularemia an infectious bacterial disease that requires medical attention. Repellents and protective clothing help prevent yellow fly bites. Smear painful scars with alcohol to prevent infection.
Do mosquitoes just irritate?
Mosquitoes are annoying but by scratching the wounds caused by stings the skin can become infected. They can also be potentially deadly transmitted by West Nile Virus, Dengue Fever and other diseases. To protect against mosquitoes, apply repellents and cover all parts of the body before going out into nature.
Housefly – Dirty, hairy!
The housefly is a dirty insect because it carries more than a million bacteria on its body. It can spread intestinal infections by contaminating food. To protect against flies, store food in closed, cool rooms, and garbage in closed containers.
Cockroaches – ugly, rotten!
Cockroaches are not only ugly, they transmit the causes of some infectious diseases such as salmonella. If they die, their dead bodies in humans can trigger an allergic reaction and asthma. Destruction is done with pesticides, cleaning the house and repairing cracks and holes in the floor and walls. Destruction can be difficult in a warm and humid environment.
In short: Insect bites are very common and often cause various difficulties and sometimes death. It is necessary to know the insects, but also the changes in the skin that occur as a result of the action of their toxins. Treatment is usually symptomatic, but sometimes emergency medical intervention must be included in the treatment in order to prevent severe pain and death in time.
Key words: Insect stings, tick stings, wasp stings – anaphylactic reaction, black widow stings, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches – allergic reaction.
Did you know: Cockroach allergies are much more common than dust allergies and can be confused with other allergies including the aforementioned house dust allergy, pet hair allergy as well as mold. Allergies to cockroaches can develop from their saliva, outer shell, eggs and feces. Allergy symptoms include exacerbation of asthma, snoring or nasal congestion, chronic sinusitis, eye infection, and skin rash. Treating cockroach allergy is the same as treating dust allergy with antihistamines, decongestants, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and avoiding areas that could be infected with cockroaches. Regular cleaning of the house from pests and spoiled food is also advised.
For My doctor: Perica Ante, MD, dermatovenerologist.