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Elderly warts appear on the regions of the face, neck and torso, although they can also appear on other parts of the body except the palms and soles. They usually occur in the elderly of both sexes and increase in number and size with age.
There are several types of skin tumors, from those that can hardly metastasize to the most dangerous and life-threatening ones. But they all have one thing in common, and that is that they need to be diagnosed as early as possible and treated as soon as possible.
There are several types of causes of hair loss, this article will show the most important ones. Hair loss is usually not associated with systemic or internal diseases and is not associated with different types of diets.
Chloracne is rarely an acne-like disease caused with strong toxic chemicals such as dioxins. It develops several months after ingestion, inhalation or contact with an appropriate agent.
A skin biopsy is a small surgical procedure in which a dermatologist takes a piece of skin and sends it to a pathology laboratory where the pathologist examines the skin under a microscope.
Acne fulminans are a rare and severe form of acne conglobata associated with systemic symptoms. They almost always occur in men.
During pregnancy, acne can recede but also get worse. In early pregnancy, acne often gets worse, but as the pregnancy progresses the acne often improves, probably due to the increased dose of estrogen.
There are changes in the skin of newborns that upset parents. Most of them are harmless and withdraw on their own but there are also those that require treatment.
This article is intended for people suffering from fungal skin infections or those who would like to know and learn something more. A certain type of fungus
The common type of acne is called acne vulgares, it is a condition that mainly affects adolescents but can occur or even become very severe in adulthood.
Scleroderma is a chronic condition caused by inflammation and thinning of the skin. The cause of scleroderma is not known, researchers have found some evidence that heredity is an important factor but environmental factors also play an important role.