What do we mean by the term acne vulgares?
The common type of acne is called acne vulgares, it is a condition that mainly affects adolescents but can occur or even become very severe in adulthood. Most, but not all, patients with acne have oily skin (seborrhea).
What causes acne?
– Androgenic hormones are listed as the initial trigger. Comedones, which result from clogging of the follicles, begin to appear at puberty at a time of increased secretion of androgenic hormones.
– Changes in lipid structure promote the development of acne. People with acne often have excessive sebum secretion and oily skin. Excessive fat can dilute normal epidermal lipids and cause changes in the relative concentration of different lipids. Reduced concentration of linolenic acid is present in people with acne and interestingly their level is normalized by successful treatment with isotrethionine.
– Inflammation is the third hypothetical factor involved in the formation of comedones.
– Sebum secretion is also an important factor in the development of acne. Sebum secretion is regulated by a number of different hormones and mediators such as androgens, growth hormones and insulin-like growth hormone.
P acnesis a microscopic organism present in many changes. Although its presence in early lesions is not a problem in the later stages it is very serious. The presence of P acnes causes inflammation through various mechanisms producing proinflammatory mediators.
What are the clinical features of acne vulgares?
Acne vulgaris can appear on the face, chest, back, and sometimes beyond.
What lesions are typical for acne?
Non-inflammatory lesions:
* open comedones (blackheads)
* closed comedones (whiteheads)
* non-inflamed nodules (sometimes called cysts)
Inflammatory lesions:
* papules (small red nodules)
* pustules (pimples from which white or yellow contents can be squeezed out)
* inflamed nodules (large red nodules)
Secondary lesions:
* excoriations (squeezed or scratched pimples)
* erythematous macules (red signs of recently healed pimples, usually on fair skin)
* pigmented macules (dark spots from old pimples, usually on dark skin)
* scars
How long do acne changes last?
Individual acne lesions usually last less than two weeks, but deeper papules and nodules can last for months.
Can acne be graded according to the severity of the clinical picture?
Acne can be mild, moderate or severe. Comedones and inflammatory lesions are usually considered separate.
Many dermatologists estimate the severity of a patient’s acne using rating scales, such as those developed by the Leeds group. Inflammatory lesions are compared with a set of standard photographs to determine the degree, which can range from 1 (very mild) to 12 (extremely severe).
In clinical trials evaluating the treatment of acne, the number of non-inflamed and inflamed lesions is carefully counted at regular intervals. It is extremely difficult to be consistent in counting.
How are they treated?
Which treatment is best depends on the patient’s age, gender, extent and severity of acne.
* treatment for mild acne
* treatment for moderate to severe acne
* treatment for severe acne
Key words: Acne vulgares,non-inflammatory, inflammatory and secondary lesions, mild form, moderately severe and severe form,
In short: Acne vulgares is a common skin disease that affects 85-100% of the population over a lifetime. They are marked with non-inflammatory follicular papules or comedones and with inflammatory papules, pustules and nodules in more severe forms. Acne vulgaris affects the area of the skin with a dense number of sebaceous follicles, which are the face, upper chest and back.
Did you know that: A serious inflammatory variant of acne called acne fulminans can be associated with fever, arthritis and other systemic symptoms.
For My doctor: Perica Ante dr.med. dermatovenerologist