What is the cause of hair loss?
There are several types of causes of hair loss, this article will show the most important ones. Hair loss is usually not associated with systemic or internal diseases and is not associated with different types of diets. Thyroid disease can cause hair loss but thyroid hormone tests for people with hair loss are usually normal. Although many medical articles blame “hair loss” medications and their potential side effects they are also not a common cause of hair loss. Another form of baldness is caused by cancer treatment and immune suppression with drugs that cause hair loss during their use, but this form of baldness is not common.
How to classify hair loss?
One way is to see if the loss is localized or disseminated, whether it affects a large area or the entire surface of the head.
Disseminated hair loss?
In some conditions a small area of the head is affected while in others a large area is affected.
Common types of disseminated hair loss are:
● alopecia areata (uneven baldness that usually increases)
● traction alopecia (thinning like thin hair or ponytail)
● trichotillomania (the habit of breaking or pulling hair)
● tinea capitis (fungal infection)
What form of hair loss is alopecia areata?
It is the most common and most common form of baldness that usually begins as a simple square or circular form of smooth skin without hair. If the initial alopecia is not treated in three to six months, disseminated (unevenly extended) alopecia occurs. In another variant of alopecia areata, two or three bald spots are present. If they spread and merge they can progress to the second most intense form called alopecia totalis in which the entire surface of the head remains bare. It is important to point out that patients have localized hair lossusually does not progress to hair loss over the entire scalp. Alopecia can also occur on other hairy parts of the body, such as the chin.
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Alopecia areata is explained as an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks itself in this case it is its own hair follicles. Although alopecia is explained as an autoimmune disease, such patients do not have any other systemic problems, but medical testing should still be performed. Stress is also blamed as the cause of alopecia but in fact it is usually just an excuse that will exist until the real cause is found.
Treatmentfor alopecia areata involves steroid injections within the affected areas to stimulate follicle growth. This is of course not practical if large areas of the head are affected. Other forms of treatment such as oral corticosteroids and ultraviolet light therapy are toxic or impractical. In mild cases, patients can comb over the affected areas while in some cases patients wear a piece of hair shaped in different ways. Lately, men shave their whole head which is very fashionable today.
What is traction alopecia
Thin hair and hair like a pony tail that is enough to pull out. It arises from a bad hairstyle in which the hair is taut and taut. In the treatment, you should choose a hairstyle that puts the least pressure on the hair root. It is best to avoid permanent, chronic damage.
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What is trichotillomania
This melodramatic name refers to the habit of pulling out hair where the patient occasionally wraps his hair for no real reason. The scalp and eyelashes are most commonly affected. In the area of alopecia areata the affected areas of the head are perfectly smooth, while in trichotillomania the fields in which the hair is broken are seen. Treatment is entirely related to behavior and psychotherapy is most often required.
Tinea capitis (fungal infection)?
A fungal infection in the scalp is called Tinea capitis and is most commonly present in school children. Bald spots usually indicate broken hair. They are treated topically with creams and oral antifungal tablets. Oral antibiotics are necessary in case of infection of the scalp with bacteria when they penetrate the hair root and treat the infection. After healing, the hair grows back normally.
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What are the forms of complete (diffuse) hair loss?
Common forms are:
1. telogen effluvium (sudden hair loss after birth, fever or sudden loss
• androgenetic hair loss (˝male dependent baldness˝, ˝female-dependent baldness˝)
What are the characteristics of the telogen phase of hair growth?
Under normal conditions, scalp hair lives for about three years (anagen or growth phase); it then enters the telogen or resting phase. During the three months of the telogen phase, the root of the hair shrinks into a small white bump and it falls out. So it is normal to lose about 100 hairs every day. It is hair that is already ready to fall out. Sometimes people get worried when they notice hair on a pillow or in the sink, not accepting that it is normal hair loss. Normally about 10% of hair scalp is in the telogen phase.
Telogen effluvium or hair loss in the telogen phase of growth?
Here are a few causes that produce the “shock system” or the causes of telogen effluvium that change the rhythm of hair growth. As a result, about 30-40% of hair is prematurelyfound in the telogen phase. Three months later the hair comes out with massive hair loss (effluvium), especially on the front of the scalp.
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Causes of telogen effluvium can be:
High temperature
Sudden hair loss
None of these causes are life-threatening, nor does hair loss always go with them (pregnancy can also join in). Hair loss is dramatic, hair covers the pillow, closes the drains and people are rightly concerned. Paradoxically, the more dramatic the hair loss, the better the prognosis, and when the body returns to a normal rhythm, almost all hair grows back. No special treatment is required and normal hair washing can be continued
What is androgenetic alopecia?
Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness)
Everyone loses their hair but men do it more intensely, faster, earlier and more extensively.
The literature states that the causes of common baldness such as androgenetic alopecia include a combination of hormonal disorders and inheritance (genetics) that are necessary for the development of male hormones present in both men and women.
Is there a male form of baldness?
As the name suggests, the process is caused by the presence of androgens? male sex hormones. The hair usually begins to pull at the edge, in a circle on the crown of the head, or on the back of the head. The onset of hair loss is usually seen around 20. to 30. years. Increased hair loss is initially stronger on the temporal regions and led by deepening of the valves. As they progress, these regions merge, so the hair from the central part of the nape of the neck is lost.
Studies have shown that dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone produced by testosteronemetabolism, causes dormancy and damage to hair follicles. Namely, this active metabolite of testosteronebinds to the cellsof hair follicles, which slows down or completely inhibits their growth. In addition, in men, hair follicles are at rest for a longer period than in the growth cycle, while in the meantime the hair continues to fall out, so the hair growth itself is more difficult to notice.
Men who have never been bald during the year normally lose their hair. Unfortunately, those with a reversible fall that accompanies the usual male form of hair loss do not record how much hair they lose, but only after a while do they notice that there is no hair. Some younger men mark the spot on the edge of the forehead where the hair last began to grow. In younger men it has a more flat shape, while in older men it has a formedshape of hair growth.
What treatments are good for hair loss in men?
To slow down hair loss there are two basic options:
1. Minoxidil (certified name: Rogaine): It is a topical application of 2% solution available in all pharmacies that achieves the best results in the scalp, slightly less in the frontal region. Rogain can encourage short hair growth but even better stops unnecessary hair loss and keeps existing ones.
Is there such a flaw therapy?
There are a few downsides to Rogaine. The main thing is that the necessary application twice a day, which many men do not like, also has a weaker effect on the frontal part of the head, where baldness is most common in men.
2. Finasteride (generic has Propecia): It is a drug that in high concentration reduces the prostate in middle-aged men. Propecia taken once a day stimulates hair growth and thickening and makes it longer, but the main function is to preserve “still present” hair in the scalp. The only side effect is impotence but it is not more common than in the general population and is reversible when the drug is stopped. Taking Propecia once a day is easier than taking minoxidil, but taking pills for years is not liked by many men. Also, the price of about $ 60 a month is a burden for many.
Are there any other medications?
Hair cream, vitamins and other products help hair growth in some non-specific ways, but these are the most common substances that do not have a special therapeutic effect.
What other options do we have for hair loss?
Hair covers
Hair can be temporarily replaced by wigs or weaving hairs that form a net that is attached to the rest of the hair and resembles artificial or human hair. The material is woven with existing hair and color.
The surgical approach involves different versions of the hair transplant (taking the hair from the back and placing it on the front) or reducing the scalp (removing parts without hair and joining the remaining parts). The transplant procedure has greatly improved in recent years. It is possible to produce hair of a more attractive and natural appearance than the old methods could, which sometimes left a comical appearance. But also with a hair transplant, check your doctor’s surgical knowledge and experience.
Is hair loss different in women than in men?
Female form of baldness
Women lose hair also on a hereditary basis but the female form is much more diffuse with less chance of losing the frontal part of the scalp hair. Although some women record hair loss before the age of 20, hair loss is generally gradual, lasts for years, and takes time for others to realize that the person has lost hair. (Then it’s common to hear from women who lose their hair, “It’s nothing. You should have seen how lush she was!”
Stories of baldness being inherited through the mother’s family, just like the story that a hat suffocates the hair root as well as that long hair damages the hair root are just part of folklore.
What is the way to treat baldness in women?
Ask your doctor about Minoxidil (generic name for Rogaine). It is available in 2% and 5% concentration. It sometimes acts mildly irritating but helps preserve hair and can encourage independent growth.
Propecia is a medicine that helps keep existing hair. It is unsafe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is safe for older women but not very effective.
Surgical procedures such as hair transplants can be useful for some women as well as men in the form of filling hot spots without hair.
For My Doctor:
Perica Ante, MD, dermatovenerologist
Interesting facts:
Did you know that sometimes hair growth in places of baldness comes back like gray hair.
Some myths about the male form of baldness:
● Baldness is inherited from the mother. (baldness comes from both sides of the family, we need to look at our family and we will know what we will look like.
● Long hair strains the hair root.
● Wearing a hat suppresses scalp circulation and causes hair loss.
● Shampooing accelerates baldness
● Poor circulation causes hair loss and massage stops it
These are the myths present in the people are not accurate and have no scientific evidence
Myths about hair loss in women:
Longer hair promotes root deformation.
Shampooing accelerates hair loss, (it only removes hair that is ready to fall out.)
Hair coloring, permanent hairstyles and environmental impact of hair usually do not cause hair loss. Styles that pull thin hair can sometimes cause hair loss but hair coloring and chemicals do not.
Keywords: Alopecia areata, disseminated hair loss, steroid injections, Minoxidil,
Male pattern baldness
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