Skin tumors

There are several types of skin tumors, from those that can hardly metastasize to the most dangerous and life-threatening ones. But they all have one thing in common, and that is that they need to be diagnosed as early as possible and treated as soon as possible.

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Chloracne is rarely an acne-like disease caused with strong toxic chemicals such as dioxins. It develops several months after ingestion, inhalation or contact with an appropriate agent.

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Skin biopsy

A skin biopsy is a small surgical procedure in which a dermatologist takes a piece of skin and sends it to a pathology laboratory where the pathologist examines the skin under a microscope.

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Insect stings – recognize insects and their stings

Insect stings such as flies, mosquitoes, tropical flea, wasp or ear bites and spider venoms definitely deserve our attention and this article talks about it.

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