Seborrheic keratosis is a term that means the presence of benign warts of similar growths on the surface of the skin. They are actually a benign form of skin tumor that results from the proliferation of skin surface cells.

Are there synonyms?
Benign skin tumors – keratosis; Keratosis – seborrheic; Senile keratosis
Is the cause of senile growths known?
The cause is unknown. They come from the epidermis – the surface layer of the skin.
How do they look?
Seborrheic keratoses can be yellowish, lighter and dark brown pigmented, depending on the amount of pigment contained in them. They usually appear spontaneously in large numbers on the surface of the body, are painless and benign, but can be irritating and itchy.

When do they appear?
It most often occurs after the age of 30 and the number of changes may increase over the years
How can we recognize them?
– are localized on the face, chest, shoulders, back and other areas.

– they are yellow, brown, black, or other colors
– have a slightly elevated flat surface
– may have a rough or wart-like structure
– usually have a waxy color on the surface
– have a round to oval shape
– can be independent, but multiple outgrowths are more common
What are the subjective symptoms?
Of the subjective symptoms, itching is the most common.
How we diagnose:
The diagnosis is based primarily on the appearance of the growth. A piece of the change can be taken by biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
– they are removed by cryotherapyor application of liquid nitrogen.
– it is possible to remove them and the so-called. excochleation(sharp “spoon” scraping)
– is also considered by electrodissociation (combination of current and curettage).
Why are seborrheic warts important?
Warts can easily be replaced with similar formations such as pigmented nevi or some malignant changes in the skin (Melanoma?).
What is the forecast:
Seborrheic keratosis is a benign and usually painless condition. Removing the growth is simple and usually does not lead to scarring. However, removing the growth on the trunk usually leaves parts of the skin without pigment. Some changes usually do not return once they are removed, but people who are prone to them may develop new growths again.
Are there any complications?
– Bad mood due to poor appearance
-Irritation during wart growth
-Im Misdiagnosis (malignant melanoma can sometimes be difficult to distinguish)
-In intertriginous regions where 2 surfaces are rubbed due to warm and humid environment, secondary infection often occurs.
-If a large number suddenly appeared, especially in younger people, they deserve more attention and a more detailed examination of internal organs.

Should I seek professional medical help?
See your doctor if you suspect seborrheic keratosis.
Key words: senile growth, face, cryotherapy, Melanoma, multiple growths
Elderly warts appear on the regions of the face, neck and torso, although they can also appear on other parts of the body except the palms and soles. They usually occur in the elderly of both sexes and increase in number and size with age. It is important to distinguish them from moles and other malignant skin changes. They are treated by freezing with liquid nitrogen.
Interesting facts: Auxiliary medicinal products from nature are: herbal juice from the stem of fig leaves, rospasa, dandelion. After coating, the treated area may turn brown, so caution is required when applying to the face. There are a number of recipes from folklore that can cause warts to disappear (scientific medicine interprets this phenomenon as autosuggestion). It is dangerous to use concentrated acids, hot needles and similar means, because in addition to destroying the nipple, the surrounding tissues can be damaged, and thus do more harm than good.
For My doctor: Perica Ante, MD dermatovenerologist