What is Gardasil HPV vaccine?
Gardasil vaccine was the first vaccine developed to prevent cervical cancer, precancerous genital lesions and genital warts caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
Who should receive the HPV vaccine?
The CDC recommends the HPV vaccine for all 11- and 12-year-old girls. Recommendation supports for vaccination begin in the ninth year. Vaccination is also recommended for women 13 to 26 years of age who have not been vaccinated before or who have not completed all three recommended doses.
Are other HPV vaccines under development?
Another HPV vaccine is in the clinical testing phase, but is not yet licensed.
How is vaccination distributed?
The vaccine is given in a series of three injections over six months. The second and third doses may be given two and six months after the first dose. The HPV vaccine can be given at the same time as other vaccines.
Is the HPV vaccine effective?
The vaccine is highly effective in preventing diseases caused by four types of HPV.
Is the HPV vaccine safe?
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has licensed the vaccine as safe and effective. This vaccine has been tested on thousands of women (9 to 26 years of age) worldwide. These studies showed minimal side effects. The most common side effect is pain at the injection site. The CDC, working with the Food and Drug Administration, continues to monitor the safety of the vaccine.
Does the vaccine contain thimerosal or mercury?
No, there is no thimerosal or mercury in the vaccine.
How long does the protection last?
Studies have found that vaccinated individuals are protected safely for five years even though immunity is present for life.
Will girls / women be protected against HPV-related diseases if they do not receive all three doses?
It is not yet known how effective protection is for girls if they receive only one or two doses of the vaccine. Therefore, it is very important that girls / women receive all three doses of the vaccine.
If a woman received the first dose of the vaccine before the age of 27, but turned 27 before the second or third dose, can the vaccination be completed after the age of 27?
Yes, the series could be completed at the recommended intervals even after the woman turns 27 years old.
Does the vaccine protect against cervical cancer?
Yes, the HPV vaccine was the first vaccine developed to preventcervical cancer. This new vaccine is highly effective in preventing HPV infection which is a major cause of cervical cancer in women. The vaccine protects against four types of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) including two that cause about 70% of cervical cancers.
How common is cervical cancer?
The American Tumor Society was valorized in 2007, over 11,000 women with cervical tumors and over 3,600 women will die from the disease.
Do girls / women who have been vaccinated still need to go to a gynecologist and be preventively monitored for getting a cervical tumor?
Yes, there are three reasons why women still need to continuously monitor their health as they prevent getting cervical tumors. The first reason is that the vaccine will not provide protection against all types of HPV so women will still be at risk of getting vaccinated against cancer. Second reason is that some women do not get all the necessary doses of the vaccine (or cannot get it at the right time), so they do not benefit much from it. The third reason is that there is not much benefit from the vaccine if the woman already has an acquired HPV type infection.
Why is the vaccine recommended for girls / women aged 9 to 26?
The vaccine has been intensively tested in girls / women aged 9 to 26 years. Studies have shown the safety of the vaccine but also the high efficacy of the vaccine. In addition to these, studies have been performed in boys as well as in women older than 26 years, which have shown that the vaccine is safe and effective in this population.
Ante Perica, MD dermatovenerologist
Key words: Gardasil HPV vaccine, cervical cancer, three doses of vaccine, girls 9-26 years of age.